About "Atolling Sovereignty"

This platform is a vessel for research, reflection, and growth surrounding Marshall Islands' monumental efforts to combat the climate crisis for the world. Structured much as an atlas, here you are invited explore and contribute to a series of visualizations on Micronesian history, progression, and activism concerning the environmental changes.

What would it look like to map hopes and dreams of a better future amidst our current climate? Can mapping optimism and resilience from Marshallese communities reshape how the world thinks about—and act about—the climate crisis?

Visualize Research


I am not Marshallese and have yet to visit the Marshall Islands. The research works conducted throughout the project is through a combination of literature/media reviews, attendance at online presentations/conferences, talking with some community members, etc, during various levels of lockdown and quarantine in New York City. As a fellow citizen of the Pacific, I stand in solidarity with all independence and decolonial movements from Okinawa to Aotearoa to Hawai'i. I also recognize that the API community is not a monolith as seen and presented where I reside. I hope this project can work to highlight and elevate the importance of Pacific Islanders within the US context. Although this work tackles more climate-side of issues, I want to make the larger political intentions of Pacific solidarity and sovereignty clear. When it is finally safe to travel post-pandemic, I hope to return to our ocean and be one of the first on a flight to Majro!

In addition, I also acknowledge the incredible pain and suffering Covid-19 has brought to the Pacific Islander communities. There are arguably more urgent concerns to deal with at the moment, especially for many Marshallese families that live in the US. There is no pressure to participate in this survey. What and how you answer the prompts are all in your control and subject to your changes at any time. You have always hold all rights with the information you share. I am immensely honored to be able to share and hopefully amplify Marshallese voices in any way.

You may reach out for any additional questions, concerns, and comments at danielchu@newschool.edu.